Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Hanging out with King's and Queens!-Hampton Court
Thought this was a good "Mind the Gap" photo op for the!
Hampton Court Palace. There's two parts to the palace- this first Tudor palace is where Henry VIII hung out. The second baroque palace with the gardens is where William and Mary chilled.
They had costumed characters who acted out events throughout the day!
These few had had a tough day...
so why not get a picture with them?
Henry VIII's Astronimical Clock has been there for over 500 years.
Fountain Court
ok, people all over the place were wearing these cloaks. why?!?!?
I think this was somewhere in Mary II's Apartment (by apartment, I mean wing of the palace)
Picking out Kathryn Parr's wedding dress (King Henry's last wife who outlived him and therefore wasn't beheaded!). They reenacted events from the day of their marriage all day-bachelor party, choosing the wedding dress, final procession, etc.
A royal loo. Doesn't look sanitary to have fabric around the seat. ew. Apparently a very coveted position was that of Groom of the Stool who hung out with Henry in the loo. gross.
Henry VIII's Apartment-ceiling of the canteen where members of his court ate
Took this picture for Zak
Those look like sprinkler heads to me...
King Henry VIII. Handsome fellow. Can't see at all why he had to go through 6 wives...
King Henry's winery
So, this was in the middle of King Henry's apartment. It said collection times were at 5:45 p.m., so I have a feeling it wasn't from medieval times.
It was a very big place. I needed lots of maps.
The Great Fountain Garden (can't see why they named it that...)
They had horse tram rides around the gardens
Inside the maze. Seems I hit a dead end.
A fork in the maze... I took the one that led to another dead end.
Made it!
The Lower Orangery Garden. I did not see any oranges.
I recently decided to fulfill a dream of mine and quit my job (not really part of the "dream", but necessary), and live in London for a year or so. Well since I don't have a visa, I can only live here for 6 months, so I'm taking that time and running with it. This will be the rants of my daily life in a new city with encounters of family, friends, architecture, design, and much much more through my writing and photography. Enjoy!
That last one would make a good Clinton painting! Glad to see they have regrown the maze.